Title: | High-Dimensional Inference |
Description: | Implementation of multiple approaches to perform inference in high-dimensional models. |
Authors: | Lukas Meier [aut, cre], Ruben Dezeure [aut], Nicolai Meinshausen [aut], Martin Maechler [aut], Peter Buehlmann [aut] |
Maintainer: | Lukas Meier <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL |
Version: | 0.1-9 |
Built: | 2025-02-28 03:00:37 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/hdi |
Implementation of multiple approaches to perform inference in high-dimensional models.
Package: | hdi |
Type: | Package |
Title: | High-Dimensional Inference |
Version: | 0.1-9 |
Date: | 2021-05-27 |
Author: | Lukas Meier [aut, cre], Ruben Dezeure [aut], Nicolai Meinshausen [aut], Martin Maechler [aut], Peter Buehlmann [aut] |
Maintainer: | Lukas Meier <[email protected]> |
Description: | Implementation of multiple approaches to perform inference in high-dimensional models. |
Depends: | scalreg |
DependsNote: | scalreg does not correctly import lars etc, so we need to depend on it |
Imports: | grDevices, graphics, stats, parallel, MASS, glmnet, linprog |
Suggests: | Matrix |
SuggestsNote: | for tests only |
Encoding: | UTF-8 |
License: | GPL |
NeedsCompilation: | no |
Packaged: | 2021-05-27 12:25:06 UTC; meierluk |
Date/Publication: | 2021-05-27 13:10:02 UTC |
Repository: | https://meierluk.r-universe.dev |
RemoteUrl: | https://github.com/cran/hdi |
RemoteRef: | HEAD |
RemoteSha: | 3f51705e4e07701de8cc58fa12c2dab62cd2cf9d |
Index of help topics:
boot.lasso.proj P-values based on the bootstrapped lasso projection method clusterGroupBound Hierarchical structure group tests in linear model fdr.adjust Function to calculate FDR adjusted p-values glm.pval Function to calculate p-values for a generalized linear model. groupBound Lower bound on the l1-norm of groups of regression variables hdi Function to perform inference in high-dimensional (generalized) linear models hdi-package hdi lasso.cv Select Predictors via (10-fold) Cross-Validation of the Lasso lasso.firstq Determine the first q Predictors in the Lasso Path lasso.proj P-values based on lasso projection method lm.ci Function to calculate confidence intervals for ordinary multiple linear regression. lm.pval Function to calculate p-values for ordinary multiple linear regression. multi.split Calculate P-values Based on Multi-Splitting Approach plot.clusterGroupBound Plot output of hierarchical testing of groups of variables rXb Generate Data Design Matrix X and Coefficient Vector beta riboflavin Riboflavin data set ridge.proj P-values based on ridge projection method stability Function to perform stability selection
Lukas Meier, Ruben Dezeure, Nicolai Meinshausen, Martin Mächler, Peter Bühlmann, Maintainer: Lukas Meier <[email protected]>
Dezeure, R., Bühlmann, P., Meier, L. and Meinshausen, N. (2015) High-dimensional inference: confidence intervals, p-values and R-software hdi. Statistical Science 30, 533–558.
Meinshausen, N., Meier, L. and Bühlmann, P. (2009) P-values for high-dimensional regression. Journal of the American Statistical Association 104, 1671–1681.
Meinshausen, N. (2015) Group-bound: confidence intervals for groups of variables in sparse high-dimensional regression without assumptions on the design. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B, 77(5), 923–945.
Meinshausen, N. and Bühlmann, P. (2010) Stability selection (with discussion). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B 72, 417–473.
Compute p-values based on the lasso projection method, also known as the de-sparsified Lasso, using the bootstrap to approximate the distribution of the estimator.
boot.lasso.proj(x, y, family = "gaussian", standardize = TRUE, multiplecorr.method = "WY", parallel = FALSE, ncores = getOption("mc.cores", 2L), betainit = "cv lasso", sigma = NULL, Z = NULL, verbose = FALSE, return.Z = FALSE, robust= FALSE, B = 1000, boot.shortcut = FALSE, return.bootdist = FALSE, wild = FALSE, gaussian.stub = FALSE)
boot.lasso.proj(x, y, family = "gaussian", standardize = TRUE, multiplecorr.method = "WY", parallel = FALSE, ncores = getOption("mc.cores", 2L), betainit = "cv lasso", sigma = NULL, Z = NULL, verbose = FALSE, return.Z = FALSE, robust= FALSE, B = 1000, boot.shortcut = FALSE, return.bootdist = FALSE, wild = FALSE, gaussian.stub = FALSE)
x |
Design matrix (without intercept). |
y |
Response vector. |
family |
family |
standardize |
Should design matrix be standardized to unit column standard deviation. |
multiplecorr.method |
Either "WY" or any of
parallel |
Should parallelization be used? (logical) |
ncores |
Number of cores used for parallelization. |
betainit |
Either a numeric vector, corresponding to a sparse estimate of the coefficient vector, or the method to be used for the initial estimation, "scaled lasso" or "cv lasso". |
sigma |
Estimate of the standard deviation of the error term. This estimate needs to be compatible with the initial estimate (see betainit) provided or calculated. Otherwise, results will not be correct. |
Z |
user input, also see |
verbose |
A boolean to enable reporting on the progress of the computations. (Only prints out information when Z is not provided by the user) |
return.Z |
An option to return the intermediate result which only depends on the design matrix x. This intermediate results can be used when calling the function again and the design matrix is the same as before. |
robust |
Uses a robust variance estimation procedure to be able to deal with model misspecification. |
B |
The number of bootstrap samples to be used. |
boot.shortcut |
A boolean to enable the computational shortcut for the bootstrap. If set to true, the lasso is not re-tuned for each bootstrap iteration, but it uses the tuning parameter computed on the original data instead. |
return.bootdist |
A boolean specifying if one is to return the computed bootstrap distributions to the estimator. (Matrix size: ncol(x)*B) If the multiple testing method was chosen to be WY, the bootstrap distribution computer under the complete null hypothesis is returned as well. This option is required if one wants to compute confidence intervals afterwards. |
wild |
Perform the wild bootstrap based on N(0,1) distributed random variables |
gaussian.stub |
DEVELOPER OPTION. Only enable if you know what you are doing. A boolean to run stub code instead of actually bootstrapping the estimator. It generates a finite sample distribution for each estimate by sampling B samples from N(0,\hat{s.e.}_j^2). (Note: we do not sample from the multivariate gaussian with the covariance matrix. Therefore, no dependencies are modelled at all.) Useful for debugging and for checking if the bootstrap is way off for some reason. |
pval |
Individual p-values for each parameter. |
pval.corr |
Multiple testing corrected p-values for each parameter. |
sigmahat |
Z |
Only different from NULL if the option return.Z is on. This is an intermediate result from the computation which only depends on the design matrix x. These are the residuals of the nodewise regressions. |
B |
The number of bootstrap samples used. |
boot.shortcut |
If the bootstrap shortcut has been used or not. |
lambda |
What tuning parameter was used for the bootstrap shortcut. NULL if no shortcut was used or if no valid lambda was available to use for the shortcut. |
cboot.dist |
Only different from NULL if the option return.bootdist is on. This is a ncol(x)*B matrix where each row contains the computed centered bootstrap distribution for that estimate. |
cboot.dist.underH0 |
Only different from NULL if the option return.bootdist is on and if the multiple testing method is WY. This is a ncol(x)*B matrix where each row contains the computed centered bootstrap distribution for that estimate. These bootstrap distributions were computed under the complete null hypothesis (b_1 = ... = b_p = 0). |
Ruben Dezeure
van de Geer, S., Bühlmann, P., Ritov, Y. and Dezeure, R. (2014) On asymptotically optimal confidence regions and tests for high-dimensional models. Annals of Statistics 42, 1166–1202._
Zhang, C., Zhang, S. (2014) Confidence intervals for low dimensional parameters in high dimensional linear models. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B 76, 217–242.
Bühlmann, P. and van de Geer, S. (2015) High-dimensional inference in misspecified linear models. Electronic Journal of Statistics 9, 1449–1473.
Dezeure, R., Bühlmann, P. and Zhang, C. (2016) High-dimensional simultaneous inference with the bootstrap http://arxiv.org/abs/1606.03940
x <- matrix(rnorm(100 * 10), nrow = 100, ncol = 10) y <- x[,1] + x[,2] + rnorm(100) fit.lasso <- boot.lasso.proj(x, y) which(fit.lasso$pval.corr < 0.05) # typically: '1' and '2' and no other ## Use the computational shortcut for the bootstrap to speed up ## computations fit.lasso.shortcut <- boot.lasso.proj(x, y, boot.shortcut = TRUE) which(fit.lasso.shortcut$pval.corr < 0.05) # typically: '1' and '2' and no other ## Return the bootstrap distribution as well and compute confidence intervals based on it fit.lasso.allinfo <- boot.lasso.proj(x, y, return.bootdist = TRUE) confint(fit.lasso.allinfo, level = 0.95) confint(fit.lasso.allinfo, parm = 1:3) ## Use the scaled lasso for the initial estimate fit.lasso.scaled <- boot.lasso.proj(x, y, betainit = "scaled lasso") which(fit.lasso.scaled$pval.corr < 0.05) ## Use a robust estimate for the standard error fit.lasso.robust <- boot.lasso.proj(x, y, robust = TRUE) which(fit.lasso.robust$pval.corr < 0.05)
x <- matrix(rnorm(100 * 10), nrow = 100, ncol = 10) y <- x[,1] + x[,2] + rnorm(100) fit.lasso <- boot.lasso.proj(x, y) which(fit.lasso$pval.corr < 0.05) # typically: '1' and '2' and no other ## Use the computational shortcut for the bootstrap to speed up ## computations fit.lasso.shortcut <- boot.lasso.proj(x, y, boot.shortcut = TRUE) which(fit.lasso.shortcut$pval.corr < 0.05) # typically: '1' and '2' and no other ## Return the bootstrap distribution as well and compute confidence intervals based on it fit.lasso.allinfo <- boot.lasso.proj(x, y, return.bootdist = TRUE) confint(fit.lasso.allinfo, level = 0.95) confint(fit.lasso.allinfo, parm = 1:3) ## Use the scaled lasso for the initial estimate fit.lasso.scaled <- boot.lasso.proj(x, y, betainit = "scaled lasso") which(fit.lasso.scaled$pval.corr < 0.05) ## Use a robust estimate for the standard error fit.lasso.robust <- boot.lasso.proj(x, y, robust = TRUE) which(fit.lasso.robust$pval.corr < 0.05)
Computes confidence intervals for the l1-norm of groups of linear regression coefficients in a hierarchical clustering tree.
clusterGroupBound(x, y, method = "average", dist = as.dist(1 - abs(cor(x))), alpha = 0.05, eps = 0.1, hcloutput, nsplit = 11, s = min(10, ncol(x) - 1), silent = FALSE, setseed = TRUE, lpSolve = TRUE)
clusterGroupBound(x, y, method = "average", dist = as.dist(1 - abs(cor(x))), alpha = 0.05, eps = 0.1, hcloutput, nsplit = 11, s = min(10, ncol(x) - 1), silent = FALSE, setseed = TRUE, lpSolve = TRUE)
x |
numeric design matrix of the regression |
y |
numeric response variable of length |
method |
a |
dist |
a distance matrix can be specified on which the
hierarchical clustering will be based (see |
alpha |
numeric level in |
eps |
a level of eps*alpha is used and the values of different splits are aggregated using the (1-eps) quantile. See reference below for more details. |
hcloutput |
optionally, the value of a |
nsplit |
the number of data splits used. |
s |
the dimensionality of the projection that is used. Lower
values lead to faster computation and if |
silent |
logical enabling progress output. |
setseed |
a logical; if this is true (recommended), then the same random seeds are used for all groups, which makes the confidence intervals simultaneously valid over all groups of variables tested. |
lpSolve |
logical; only set it to false if |
Returns a list with components
groupNumber |
The index of the group tested in the original hierarchical clustering tree |
members |
A list containing the variables that belong into each testes group |
noMembers |
A vector containing the number of members in each group |
lowerBound |
The lower bound on the l1-norm in each group |
position |
The position on the x-axis of each group (used for plotting) |
leftChild |
Gives the index of the group that corresponds to the left child node in the tested tree (negative values correspond to leaf nodes) |
rightChild |
Same as |
isLeaf |
Logical vector. Is |
Nicolai Meinshausen
Meinshausen, N. (2015); JRSS B, see groupBound
Use groupBound
to compute the lower bound for selected
groups of variables whereas you use this clusterGroupBound
test all groups in a hierarchical clustering tree.
## Create a regression problem with correlated design (n = 10, p = 3): ## a block of size 2 and a block of size 1, within-block correlation is 0.99 set.seed(29) p <- 3 n <- 10 Sigma <- diag(p) Sigma[1,2] <- Sigma[2,1] <- 0.99 x <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), nrow = n) %*% chol(Sigma) ## Create response with active variable 1 beta <- rep(0, p) beta[1] <- 5 y <- as.numeric(x %*% beta + rnorm(n)) out <- clusterGroupBound(x, y, nsplit = 4) ## use larger value for nsplit! ## Plot and print the hierarchical group-test plot(out) print(out) out$members out$lowerBound
## Create a regression problem with correlated design (n = 10, p = 3): ## a block of size 2 and a block of size 1, within-block correlation is 0.99 set.seed(29) p <- 3 n <- 10 Sigma <- diag(p) Sigma[1,2] <- Sigma[2,1] <- 0.99 x <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), nrow = n) %*% chol(Sigma) ## Create response with active variable 1 beta <- rep(0, p) beta[1] <- 5 y <- as.numeric(x %*% beta + rnorm(n)) out <- clusterGroupBound(x, y, nsplit = 4) ## use larger value for nsplit! ## Plot and print the hierarchical group-test plot(out) print(out) out$members out$lowerBound
Calculates FDR adjusted p-values similar to R-function p.adjust but *without* adjustment for multiplicity.
p |
Vector of p-values. |
It is assumed that the p-values are already corrected for multiplicity. P-values with a value of 1 are currently ignored.
Vector of p-values.
Lukas Meier
Meinshausen, N., Meier, L. and Bühlmann, P. (2009), P-values for high-dimensional regression, Journal of the American Statistical Association 104, 1671-1681.
x <- matrix(rnorm(100 * 1000), nrow = 100, ncol = 1000) y <- x[,1] * 2 + x[,2] * 2.5 + rnorm(100) ## Multi-splitting with lasso.firstq as model selector function fit.multi <- multi.split(x, y, model.selector =lasso.firstq, args.model.selector = list(q = 10)) p.adjust <- fdr.adjust(fit.multi$pval.corr)
x <- matrix(rnorm(100 * 1000), nrow = 100, ncol = 1000) y <- x[,1] * 2 + x[,2] * 2.5 + rnorm(100) ## Multi-splitting with lasso.firstq as model selector function fit.multi <- multi.split(x, y, model.selector =lasso.firstq, args.model.selector = list(q = 10)) p.adjust <- fdr.adjust(fit.multi$pval.corr)
Calculates (classical) p-values for an ordinary generalized linear model in the n > p situation.
glm.pval(x, y, family = "binomial", verbose = FALSE, ...)
glm.pval(x, y, family = "binomial", verbose = FALSE, ...)
x |
Design matrix (without intercept). |
y |
Response vector. |
family |
As in |
verbose |
Logical. Should information be printed out if algorithm did not converge? |
... |
Additional arguments to be passed to |
A model with intercept is fitted but the p-value of the intercept is not reported in the output.
Vector of p-values (not including the intercept).
Lukas Meier
## ...
## ...
Computes a lower bound that forms a one-sided confidence interval for the group l1-norm of a specified group of regression parameters. It is assumed that errors have a Gaussian distribution with unknown noise level. The underlying vector that inference is made about is the l1-sparsest approximation to the noiseless data.
groupBound(x, y, group, alpha = 0.05, eps = 0.1, nsplit = 11, s = min(10, ncol(x) - 1), setseed = TRUE, silent = FALSE, lpSolve = TRUE, parallel = FALSE, ncores = getOption("mc.cores", 2L))
groupBound(x, y, group, alpha = 0.05, eps = 0.1, nsplit = 11, s = min(10, ncol(x) - 1), setseed = TRUE, silent = FALSE, lpSolve = TRUE, parallel = FALSE, ncores = getOption("mc.cores", 2L))
x |
numeric design matrix of the regression |
y |
numeric response variable of length |
group |
either a numeric vector with entries in |
alpha |
numeric level in |
eps |
a level of eps * alpha is used and the values of different splits are aggregated using the (1 - eps) quantile. See reference below for more details. |
nsplit |
the number of data splits used. |
s |
the dimensionality of the projection that is used. Lower
values lead to faster computation and if |
setseed |
a logical; if this is true (recommended), then the same random seeds are used for all groups, which makes the confidence intervals simultaneously valid over all groups of variables tested. |
silent |
logical enabling progress output. |
lpSolve |
logical; only set it to false if |
parallel |
should parallelization be used? (logical) |
ncores |
number of cores used for parallelization. |
The data are split since the noise level is unknown. On the
first part of the random split, a cross-validated lasso solution is
computed, using the glmnet implementation. This estimator
is used as an initial estimator on the second half of the data.
Results at level alpha
are aggregated over nsplit
via the median of results at levels alpha/2
If group
is a single numeric vector, a scalar containg the lower
bound for this group of variables is returned. If group
is a
list, a numeric vector is retuned where each entry corresponds to the
group of variables defined in the same order in group
Nicolai Meinshausen
Meinshausen, N. (2015) Group bound: confidence intervals for groups of variables in sparse high dimensional regression without assumptions on the design. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B, 77, 923–945; doi:10.1111/rssb.12094.
Use clusterGroupBound
to test all groups in a
hierarchical clustering tree.
## Create a regression problem with correlated design: p = 6, n = 50, ## block size B = 3 and within-block correlation of rho = 0.99 p <- 6 n <- 50 B <- 3 rho <- 0.99 ind <- rep(1:ceiling(p / B), each = B)[1:p] Sigma <- diag(p) for (ii in unique(ind)){ id <- which(ind == ii) Sigma[id, id] <- rho } diag(Sigma) <- 1 x <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), nrow = n) %*% chol(Sigma) ## Create response with active variable 1 beta <- rep(0, p) beta[1] <- 5 y <- as.numeric(x %*% beta + rnorm(n)) ## Compute lower bounds: ## Lower bound for the L1-norm of *all* variables 1-6 of the sparsest ## optimal vector nsplit <- 4 ## to make example run fast (use larger value) lowerBoundAll <- groupBound(x, y, 1:p, nsplit = nsplit) cat("\nlower bound for all variables 1-6: ", lowerBoundAll, "\n") ## Compute additional lower bounds: q()## Lower bounds for variable 1 itself, then group {1,3}, 1-2, 1-3, 2-6, lowerBound <- groupBound(x, y, list(1, c(1,3), 1:2, 1:3, 2:6), nsplit = nsplit) cat("lower bound for the groups\n\t {1}, {1,3}, {1,2}, {1..3}, {2..6}:\n\t", format(formatC(c(lowerBound))), "\n")
## Create a regression problem with correlated design: p = 6, n = 50, ## block size B = 3 and within-block correlation of rho = 0.99 p <- 6 n <- 50 B <- 3 rho <- 0.99 ind <- rep(1:ceiling(p / B), each = B)[1:p] Sigma <- diag(p) for (ii in unique(ind)){ id <- which(ind == ii) Sigma[id, id] <- rho } diag(Sigma) <- 1 x <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), nrow = n) %*% chol(Sigma) ## Create response with active variable 1 beta <- rep(0, p) beta[1] <- 5 y <- as.numeric(x %*% beta + rnorm(n)) ## Compute lower bounds: ## Lower bound for the L1-norm of *all* variables 1-6 of the sparsest ## optimal vector nsplit <- 4 ## to make example run fast (use larger value) lowerBoundAll <- groupBound(x, y, 1:p, nsplit = nsplit) cat("\nlower bound for all variables 1-6: ", lowerBoundAll, "\n") ## Compute additional lower bounds: q()## Lower bounds for variable 1 itself, then group {1,3}, 1-2, 1-3, 2-6, lowerBound <- groupBound(x, y, list(1, c(1,3), 1:2, 1:3, 2:6), nsplit = nsplit) cat("lower bound for the groups\n\t {1}, {1,3}, {1,2}, {1..3}, {2..6}:\n\t", format(formatC(c(lowerBound))), "\n")
Perform inference in high-dimensional (generalized) linear models using various approaches.
hdi(x, y, method = "multi.split", B = NULL, fraction = 0.5, model.selector = NULL, EV = NULL, threshold = 0.75, gamma = seq(0.05, 0.99, by = 0.01), classical.fit = NULL, args.model.selector = NULL, args.classical.fit = NULL, verbose = FALSE, ...)
hdi(x, y, method = "multi.split", B = NULL, fraction = 0.5, model.selector = NULL, EV = NULL, threshold = 0.75, gamma = seq(0.05, 0.99, by = 0.01), classical.fit = NULL, args.model.selector = NULL, args.classical.fit = NULL, verbose = FALSE, ...)
x |
Design matrix (without intercept). |
y |
Response vector. |
method |
Multi-splitting ("multi.split") or stability-selection ("stability"). |
B |
Number of sample-splits (for "multi.split") or sub-sample iterations (for "stability"). Default is 50 ("multi.split")or 100 ("stability"). Ignored otherwise. |
fraction |
Fraction of data used at each of the B iterations. |
model.selector |
Function to perform model selection. Default is
EV |
(only for "stability"). Bound(s) for expected number of false positives . Can be a vector. |
threshold |
(only for "stability"). Bound on selection frequency. |
gamma |
(only for "multi.split"). Vector of gamma-values. |
classical.fit |
for "multi.split"). Function to calculate (classical)
p-values. Default is |
args.model.selector |
Named list of further arguments for
function |
args.classical.fit |
Named list of further arguments for function
verbose |
Should information be printed out while computing (logical). |
... |
Other arguments to be passed to the underlying functions. |
pval |
(only for "multi.split"). Vector of p-values. |
gamma.min |
(only for "multi.split"). Value of gamma where minimal p-values was attained. |
select |
(only for "stability"). List with selected predictors for the supplied values of EV. |
EV |
(only for "stability"). Vector of corresponding values of EV. |
thresholds |
(only for "stability"). Used thresholds. |
freq |
(only for "stability"). Vector of selection frequencies. |
Lukas Meier
Meinshausen, N., Meier, L. and Bühlmann, P. (2009) P-values for high-dimensional regression. Journal of the American Statistical Association 104, 1671–1681.
Meinshausen, N. and Bühlmann, P. (2010) Stability selection (with discussion). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B 72, 417–473.
x <- matrix(rnorm(100 * 200), nrow = 100, ncol = 200) y <- x[,1] * 2 + x[,2] * 2.5 + rnorm(100) ## Multi-splitting with lasso.firstq as model selector function fit.multi <- hdi(x, y, method = "multi.split", model.selector =lasso.firstq, args.model.selector = list(q = 10)) fit.multi fit.multi$pval.corr[1:10] ## the first 10 p-values ## Stability selection fit.stab <- hdi(x, y, method = "stability", EV = 2) fit.stab fit.stab$freq[1:10] ## frequency of the first 10 predictors
x <- matrix(rnorm(100 * 200), nrow = 100, ncol = 200) y <- x[,1] * 2 + x[,2] * 2.5 + rnorm(100) ## Multi-splitting with lasso.firstq as model selector function fit.multi <- hdi(x, y, method = "multi.split", model.selector =lasso.firstq, args.model.selector = list(q = 10)) fit.multi fit.multi$pval.corr[1:10] ## the first 10 p-values ## Stability selection fit.stab <- hdi(x, y, method = "stability", EV = 2) fit.stab fit.stab$freq[1:10] ## frequency of the first 10 predictors
Performs (n-fold) cross-validation of the lasso (via
) and determines the prediction
optimal set of parameters.
lasso.cv(x, y, nfolds = 10, grouped = nrow(x) > 3*nfolds, ...)
lasso.cv(x, y, nfolds = 10, grouped = nrow(x) > 3*nfolds, ...)
x |
numeric design matrix (without intercept) of dimension |
y |
response vector of length |
nfolds |
the number of folds to be used in the cross-validation |
grouped |
corresponds to the |
... |
further arguments to be passed to
The function basically only calls cv.glmnet
, see source
Vector of selected predictors.
Lukas Meier
which uses lasso.cv()
by default;
An alternative for hdi()
: lasso.firstq
x <- matrix(rnorm(100 * 1000), nrow = 100, ncol = 1000) y <- x[,1] * 2 + x[,2] * 2.5 + rnorm(100) sel <- lasso.cv(x, y) sel
x <- matrix(rnorm(100 * 1000), nrow = 100, ncol = 1000) y <- x[,1] * 2 + x[,2] * 2.5 + rnorm(100) sel <- lasso.cv(x, y) sel
Determines the q predictors that enter the lasso path first.
lasso.firstq(x, y, q, ...)
lasso.firstq(x, y, q, ...)
x |
numeric design matrix (without intercept) of dimension |
y |
response vector of length |
q |
number of predictors that should be selected, a positive integer. |
... |
optional additional arguments to be passed to |
The lasso.firstq
function calls
in a special way and simply postprocesses its
nonzero predictor list, see its source code.
Vector of selected predictors.
Lukas Meier
the default choice for hdi()
, lasso.cv
x <- matrix(rnorm(100 * 1000), nrow = 100, ncol = 1000) y <- x[,1] * 2 + x[,2] * 2.5 + rnorm(100) sel <- lasso.firstq(x, y, q = 5) sel # 5 integers from {1,2, ..., 1000}, including '1' and '2', typically
x <- matrix(rnorm(100 * 1000), nrow = 100, ncol = 1000) y <- x[,1] * 2 + x[,2] * 2.5 + rnorm(100) sel <- lasso.firstq(x, y, q = 5) sel # 5 integers from {1,2, ..., 1000}, including '1' and '2', typically
Compute p-values based on the lasso projection method, also known as the de-sparsified Lasso, using an asymptotic gaussian approximation to the distribution of the estimator.
lasso.proj(x, y, family = "gaussian", standardize = TRUE, multiplecorr.method = "holm", N = 10000, parallel = FALSE, ncores = getOption("mc.cores", 2L), betainit = "cv lasso", sigma = NULL, Z = NULL, verbose = FALSE, return.Z = FALSE, suppress.grouptesting = FALSE, robust = FALSE, do.ZnZ = FALSE)
lasso.proj(x, y, family = "gaussian", standardize = TRUE, multiplecorr.method = "holm", N = 10000, parallel = FALSE, ncores = getOption("mc.cores", 2L), betainit = "cv lasso", sigma = NULL, Z = NULL, verbose = FALSE, return.Z = FALSE, suppress.grouptesting = FALSE, robust = FALSE, do.ZnZ = FALSE)
x |
Design matrix (without intercept). |
y |
Response vector. |
family |
family |
standardize |
Should design matrix be standardized to unit column standard deviation. |
multiplecorr.method |
Either "WY" or any of
N |
Number of empirical samples (only used if multiplecorr.method == "WY") |
parallel |
Should parallelization be used? (logical) |
ncores |
Number of cores used for parallelization. |
betainit |
Either a numeric vector, corresponding to a sparse estimate of the coefficient vector, or the method to be used for the initial estimation, "scaled lasso" or "cv lasso". |
sigma |
Estimate of the standard deviation of the error term. This estimate needs to be compatible with the initial estimate (see betainit) provided or calculated. Otherwise, results will not be correct. |
Z |
user input, also see |
verbose |
A boolean to enable reporting on the progress of the computations. (Only prints out information when Z is not provided by the user) |
return.Z |
An option to return the intermediate result which only depends on the design matrix x. This intermediate results can be used when calling the function again and the design matrix is the same as before. |
suppress.grouptesting |
A boolean to optionally suppress the preparations made for testing groups. This will avoid quite a bit of computation and memory usage. The output will also be smaller. |
robust |
Uses a robust variance estimation procedure to be able to deal with model misspecification. |
do.ZnZ |
Use a slightly different way of choosing tuning parameters to compute Z, called Z&Z based on Zhang and Zhang (2014). This choice of tuning parameter results in a slightly higher variance of the estimator. More concretely, it achieves a 25 variance of the estimator (over j=1..ncol(x)) in comparison to tuning with cross-validation. |
pval |
Individual p-values for each parameter. |
pval.corr |
Multiple testing corrected p-values for each parameter. |
groupTest |
Function to perform groupwise tests. Groups are indicated using an index vector with entries in 1,...,p or a list thereof. |
clusterGroupTest |
Function to perform groupwise tests based on
hierarchical clustering. You can either provide a distance matrix
and clustering method or the output of hierarchical clustering from
the function |
sigmahat |
Z |
Only different from NULL if the option return.Z is on. This is an intermediate result from the computation which only depends on the design matrix x. These are the residuals of the nodewise regressions. |
Ruben Dezeure
van de Geer, S., Bühlmann, P., Ritov, Y. and Dezeure, R. (2014) On asymptotically optimal confidence regions and tests for high-dimensional models. Annals of Statistics 42, 1166–1202._
Zhang, C., Zhang, S. (2014) Confidence intervals for low dimensional parameters in high dimensional linear models. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B 76, 217–242.
Bühlmann, P. and van de Geer, S. (2015) High-dimensional inference in misspecified linear models. Electronic Journal of Statistics 9, 1449–1473.
x <- matrix(rnorm(100 * 10), nrow = 100, ncol = 10) y <- x[,1] + x[,2] + rnorm(100) fit.lasso <- lasso.proj(x, y) which(fit.lasso$pval.corr < 0.05) # typically: '1' and '2' and no other ## Group-wise testing of the first two coefficients fit.lasso$groupTest(1:2) ##Compute confidence intervals confint(fit.lasso, level = 0.95) ## Hierarchical testing using distance matrix based on ## correlation matrix out.clust <- fit.lasso$clusterGroupTest() plot(out.clust) ## Fit the lasso projection method without doing the preparations ## for group testing (saves time and memory) fit.lasso.faster <- lasso.proj(x, y, suppress.grouptesting = TRUE) ## Use the scaled lasso for the initial estimate fit.lasso.scaled <- lasso.proj(x, y, betainit = "scaled lasso") which(fit.lasso.scaled$pval.corr < 0.05) ## Use a robust estimate for the standard error fit.lasso.robust <- lasso.proj(x, y, robust = TRUE) which(fit.lasso.robust$pval.corr < 0.05) ## Perform the Z&Z version of the lasso projection method fit.lasso <- lasso.proj(x, y, do.ZnZ = TRUE) which(fit.lasso$pval.corr < 0.05) # typically: '1' and '2' and no other
x <- matrix(rnorm(100 * 10), nrow = 100, ncol = 10) y <- x[,1] + x[,2] + rnorm(100) fit.lasso <- lasso.proj(x, y) which(fit.lasso$pval.corr < 0.05) # typically: '1' and '2' and no other ## Group-wise testing of the first two coefficients fit.lasso$groupTest(1:2) ##Compute confidence intervals confint(fit.lasso, level = 0.95) ## Hierarchical testing using distance matrix based on ## correlation matrix out.clust <- fit.lasso$clusterGroupTest() plot(out.clust) ## Fit the lasso projection method without doing the preparations ## for group testing (saves time and memory) fit.lasso.faster <- lasso.proj(x, y, suppress.grouptesting = TRUE) ## Use the scaled lasso for the initial estimate fit.lasso.scaled <- lasso.proj(x, y, betainit = "scaled lasso") which(fit.lasso.scaled$pval.corr < 0.05) ## Use a robust estimate for the standard error fit.lasso.robust <- lasso.proj(x, y, robust = TRUE) which(fit.lasso.robust$pval.corr < 0.05) ## Perform the Z&Z version of the lasso projection method fit.lasso <- lasso.proj(x, y, do.ZnZ = TRUE) which(fit.lasso$pval.corr < 0.05) # typically: '1' and '2' and no other
Calculates (classical) confidence intervals for an ordinary multiple linear regression model in the n > p situation.
lm.ci(x, y, level = 0.95, ...)
lm.ci(x, y, level = 0.95, ...)
x |
Design matrix (without intercept). |
y |
Response vector. |
level |
Coverage level. |
... |
Additional arguments to be passed to |
A model with intercept is fitted but the p-value of the intercept is not reported in the output.
Matrix of confidence interval bounds (not including the intercept).
Lukas Meier
x <- matrix(rnorm(100 * 5), nrow = 100, ncol = 5) y <- x[,1] * 2 + x[,2] * 2.5 + rnorm(100) ci <- lm.ci(x, y) ci
x <- matrix(rnorm(100 * 5), nrow = 100, ncol = 5) y <- x[,1] * 2 + x[,2] * 2.5 + rnorm(100) ci <- lm.ci(x, y) ci
Calculates (classical) p-values for an ordinary multiple linear regression in the n > p situation.
lm.pval(x, y, exact = TRUE, ...)
lm.pval(x, y, exact = TRUE, ...)
x |
Design matrix (without intercept). |
y |
Response vector. |
exact |
Logical. TRUE if p-values based on t-distribution should be calculated. FALSE if normal distribution should be used as approximation. |
... |
Additional arguments to be passed to |
A model with intercept is fitted but the p-value of the intercept is not reported in the output.
Vector of p-values (not including the intercept).
Lukas Meier
x <- matrix(rnorm(100 * 5), nrow = 100, ncol = 5) y <- x[,1] * 2 + x[,2] * 2.5 + rnorm(100) pval <- lm.pval(x, y) pval
x <- matrix(rnorm(100 * 5), nrow = 100, ncol = 5) y <- x[,1] * 2 + x[,2] * 2.5 + rnorm(100) pval <- lm.pval(x, y) pval
Calculate p-values and confidence intervals based on the multi-splitting approach
multi.split(x, y, B = 100, fraction = 0.5, ci = TRUE, ci.level = 0.95, model.selector = lasso.cv, classical.fit = lm.pval, classical.ci = lm.ci, parallel = FALSE, ncores = getOption("mc.cores", 2L), gamma = seq(ceiling(0.05 * B) / B, 1 - 1 / B, by = 1 / B), args.model.selector = NULL, args.classical.fit = NULL, args.classical.ci = NULL, return.nonaggr = FALSE, return.selmodels = FALSE, repeat.max = 20, verbose = FALSE)
multi.split(x, y, B = 100, fraction = 0.5, ci = TRUE, ci.level = 0.95, model.selector = lasso.cv, classical.fit = lm.pval, classical.ci = lm.ci, parallel = FALSE, ncores = getOption("mc.cores", 2L), gamma = seq(ceiling(0.05 * B) / B, 1 - 1 / B, by = 1 / B), args.model.selector = NULL, args.classical.fit = NULL, args.classical.ci = NULL, return.nonaggr = FALSE, return.selmodels = FALSE, repeat.max = 20, verbose = FALSE)
x |
numeric design matrix (without intercept). |
y |
numeric response vector. |
B |
the number of sample-splits, a positive integer. |
fraction |
a number in |
ci |
logical indicating if a confidence interval should be calculated for each parameter. |
ci.level |
(if |
model.selector |
a |
classical.fit |
a |
classical.ci |
a |
parallel |
logical indicating if parallelization via
ncores |
number of cores used for parallelization as
gamma |
vector of gamma-values. In case gamma is a scalar, the
value |
args.model.selector |
named |
args.classical.fit |
named |
args.classical.ci |
named |
return.nonaggr |
return.selmodels |
repeat.max |
positive integer indicating the maximal number of split trials. Should not matter in regular cases, but necessary to prevent infinite loops in borderline cases. |
verbose |
should information be printed out while computing? (logical). |
pval.corr |
Vector of multiple testing corrected p-values. |
gamma.min |
Value of gamma where minimal p-values was attained. |
clusterGroupTest |
Function to perform groupwise tests based on
hierarchical clustering. You can either provide a distance matrix
and clustering method or the output of hierarchical clustering from
the function |
Lukas Meier, Ruben Dezeure, Jacopo Mandozzi
Meinshausen, N., Meier, L. and Bühlmann, P. (2009) P-values for high-dimensional regression. Journal of the American Statistical Association 104, 1671–1681.
Mandozzi, J. and Bühlmann, P. (2015) A sequential rejection testing method for high-dimensional regression with correlated variables. To appear in the International Journal of Biostatistics. Preprint arXiv:1502.03300
, lasso.firstq
, lm.ci
n <- 40 # a bit small, to keep example "fast" p <- 256 x <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), nrow = n, ncol = p) y <- x[,1] * 2 + x[,2] * 2.5 + rnorm(n) ## Multi-splitting with lasso.firstq as model selector function ## 'q' must be specified fit.multi <- multi.split(x, y, model.selector = lasso.firstq, args.model.selector = list(q = 10)) fit.multi head(fit.multi$pval.corr, 10) ## the first 10 p-values ci. <- confint(fit.multi) head(ci.) # the first 6 stopifnot(all.equal(ci., with(fit.multi, cbind(lci, uci)), check.attributes=FALSE)) ## Use default 'lasso.cv' (slower!!) -- incl cluster group testing: system.time(fit.m2 <- multi.split(x, y, return.selmodels = TRUE))# 9 sec (on "i7") head(fit.m2$pval.corr) ## the first 6 p-values head(confint(fit.m2)) ## the first 6 95% conf.intervals ## Now do clustergroup testing clGTst <- fit.m2$clusterGroupTest names(envGT <- environment(clGTst))# about 14 if(!interactive()) # if you are curious (and advanced): print(ls.str(envGT), max = 0) stopifnot(identical(clGTst, envGT$clusterGroupTest)) ccc <- clGTst() str(ccc) ccc$hh # the clustering has.1.or.2 <- sapply(ccc$clusters, function(j.set) any(c(1,2) %in% j.set)) ccc$pval[ has.1.or.2] ## all very small ccc$pval[!has.1.or.2] ## all 1
n <- 40 # a bit small, to keep example "fast" p <- 256 x <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), nrow = n, ncol = p) y <- x[,1] * 2 + x[,2] * 2.5 + rnorm(n) ## Multi-splitting with lasso.firstq as model selector function ## 'q' must be specified fit.multi <- multi.split(x, y, model.selector = lasso.firstq, args.model.selector = list(q = 10)) fit.multi head(fit.multi$pval.corr, 10) ## the first 10 p-values ci. <- confint(fit.multi) head(ci.) # the first 6 stopifnot(all.equal(ci., with(fit.multi, cbind(lci, uci)), check.attributes=FALSE)) ## Use default 'lasso.cv' (slower!!) -- incl cluster group testing: system.time(fit.m2 <- multi.split(x, y, return.selmodels = TRUE))# 9 sec (on "i7") head(fit.m2$pval.corr) ## the first 6 p-values head(confint(fit.m2)) ## the first 6 95% conf.intervals ## Now do clustergroup testing clGTst <- fit.m2$clusterGroupTest names(envGT <- environment(clGTst))# about 14 if(!interactive()) # if you are curious (and advanced): print(ls.str(envGT), max = 0) stopifnot(identical(clGTst, envGT$clusterGroupTest)) ccc <- clGTst() str(ccc) ccc$hh # the clustering has.1.or.2 <- sapply(ccc$clusters, function(j.set) any(c(1,2) %in% j.set)) ccc$pval[ has.1.or.2] ## all very small ccc$pval[!has.1.or.2] ## all 1
The plot()
method for "clusterGroupBound"
plots the outcome of applying a lower bound on the l1-norm on groups of
variables in a hierarchical clustering tree.
## S3 method for class 'clusterGroupBound' plot(x, cexfactor = 1, yaxis = "members", xlab = "", col = NULL, pch = 20, ...)
## S3 method for class 'clusterGroupBound' plot(x, cexfactor = 1, yaxis = "members", xlab = "", col = NULL, pch = 20, ...)
x |
an object of |
cexfactor |
numeric expansion factor for the size of the node symbols. |
yaxis |
a string; for the default |
xlab |
label used for the x-axis; by default none. |
col |
the colour of the symbols for the nodes. |
pch |
the plot symbol (see |
... |
optional additional arguments passed to
Nothing is returned
Nicolai Meinshausen [email protected]
Use clusterGroupBound()
to test all groups in a
hierarchical clustering tree.
Use groupBound()
to compute the lower bound for selected
groups of variables.
## Create a regression problem with correlated design (n = 10, p = 3): ## a block of size 2 and a block of size 1, within-block correlation is 0.99 set.seed(29) p <- 3 n <- 10 Sigma <- diag(p) Sigma[1,2] <- Sigma[2,1] <- 0.99 x <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), nrow = n) %*% chol(Sigma) ## Create response with active variable 1 beta <- rep(0, p) beta[1] <- 5 y <- as.numeric(x %*% beta + rnorm(n)) ## Compute the lower bound for all groups in a hierarchical clustering tree cgb5 <- clusterGroupBound(x, y, nsplit = 4) ## use larger value for nsplit! ## Plot the tree with y-axis proportional to the (log) of the number of ## group members and node sizes proportional to the lower l1-norm bound. plot(cgb5) ## Show the lower bound on the y-axis and node sizes proportional to ## number of group members plot(cgb5, yaxis = "")
## Create a regression problem with correlated design (n = 10, p = 3): ## a block of size 2 and a block of size 1, within-block correlation is 0.99 set.seed(29) p <- 3 n <- 10 Sigma <- diag(p) Sigma[1,2] <- Sigma[2,1] <- 0.99 x <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), nrow = n) %*% chol(Sigma) ## Create response with active variable 1 beta <- rep(0, p) beta[1] <- 5 y <- as.numeric(x %*% beta + rnorm(n)) ## Compute the lower bound for all groups in a hierarchical clustering tree cgb5 <- clusterGroupBound(x, y, nsplit = 4) ## use larger value for nsplit! ## Plot the tree with y-axis proportional to the (log) of the number of ## group members and node sizes proportional to the lower l1-norm bound. plot(cgb5) ## Show the lower bound on the y-axis and node sizes proportional to ## number of group members plot(cgb5, yaxis = "")
Dataset of riboflavin production by Bacillus subtilis
containing observations of
predictors (gene
expressions) and a one-dimensional response (riboflavin production).
Log-transformed riboflavin production rate (original name: q_RIBFLV).
(Co-)variables measuring the logarithm of the expression level of 4088 genes.
Data kindly provided by DSM (Switzerland).
Bühlmann, P., Kalisch, M. and Meier, L. (2014) High-dimensional statistics with a view towards applications in biology. Annual Review of Statistics and its Applications 1, 255–278
Compute p-values for lasso-type regression coefficients based on the ridge projection method.
ridge.proj(x, y, family = "gaussian", standardize = TRUE, lambda = 1, betainit = "cv lasso", sigma = NULL, suppress.grouptesting = FALSE, multiplecorr.method = "holm", N = 10000)
ridge.proj(x, y, family = "gaussian", standardize = TRUE, lambda = 1, betainit = "cv lasso", sigma = NULL, suppress.grouptesting = FALSE, multiplecorr.method = "holm", N = 10000)
x |
design matrix (without intercept). |
y |
response vector. |
family |
family |
standardize |
Should design matrix be standardized to unit column standard deviation (logical)? |
lambda |
Value of penalty parameter lambda (ridge regression). |
betainit |
Either a numeric vector, corresponding to a sparse estimate of the coefficient vector, or the method to be used for the initial estimation, "scaled lasso" or "cv lasso". |
sigma |
Estimate of the standard deviation of the error term. This estimate needs to be compatible with the initial estimate (see betainit) provided or calculated. Otherwise, results won't be correct. |
suppress.grouptesting |
A boolean to optionally suppress the preparations made for testing groups. This will avoid quite a bit of computation and memory usage. The output will also be smaller. |
multiplecorr.method |
Either "WY" or any of
N |
number of empirical samples (only used if
pval |
Individual p-values for each parameter. |
pval.corr |
Multiple testing corrected p-values for each parameter. |
groupTest |
Function to perform groupwise tests. Groups are
indicated using an index vector with entries in |
clusterGroupTest |
Function to perform groupwise tests based on
hierarchical clustering. You can either provide a distance matrix
and clustering method or the output of hierarchical clustering from
the function |
sigmahat |
Peter Buehlmann, Ruben Dezeure, Lukas Meier
Bühlmann, P. (2013) Statistical significance in high-dimensional linear models. Bernoulli 19, 1212–1242.
x <- matrix(rnorm(100 * 100), nrow = 100, ncol = 100) y <- x[,1] + x[,2] + rnorm(100) fit.ridge <- ridge.proj(x, y) which(fit.ridge$pval.corr < 0.05) ## Use the scaled lasso for the initial estimate fit.ridge.scaled <- ridge.proj(x, y, betainit = "scaled lasso") which(fit.ridge.scaled$pval.corr < 0.05) ## Group-wise testing of the first two coefficients fit.ridge$groupTest(1:2) ## Hierarchical testing using distance matrix based on ## correlation matrix out.clust <- fit.ridge$clusterGroupTest() plot(out.clust) ## Fit the method without doing the preparations ## for group testing (saves time and memory) fit.ridge.faster <- ridge.proj(x, y, suppress.grouptesting = TRUE)
x <- matrix(rnorm(100 * 100), nrow = 100, ncol = 100) y <- x[,1] + x[,2] + rnorm(100) fit.ridge <- ridge.proj(x, y) which(fit.ridge$pval.corr < 0.05) ## Use the scaled lasso for the initial estimate fit.ridge.scaled <- ridge.proj(x, y, betainit = "scaled lasso") which(fit.ridge.scaled$pval.corr < 0.05) ## Group-wise testing of the first two coefficients fit.ridge$groupTest(1:2) ## Hierarchical testing using distance matrix based on ## correlation matrix out.clust <- fit.ridge$clusterGroupTest() plot(out.clust) ## Fit the method without doing the preparations ## for group testing (saves time and memory) fit.ridge.faster <- ridge.proj(x, y, suppress.grouptesting = TRUE)
and Coefficient Vector
Generate a random design matrix and coefficient vector
useful for simulations of (high dimensional) linear models.
In particular, the function
can be used to exactly
recreate the reference linear model datasets of the hdi paper.
rXb(n, p, s0, xtype = c("toeplitz", "exp.decay", "equi.corr"), btype = "U[-2,2]", permuted = FALSE, iteration = NA, do2S = TRUE, x.par = switch(xtype, "toeplitz" = 0.9, "equi.corr" = 0.8, "exp.decay" = c(0.4, 5)), verbose = TRUE) rX(n, p, xtype, permuted, do2S = TRUE, par = switch(xtype, "toeplitz" = 0.9, "equi.corr" = 0.8, "exp.decay" = c(0.4, 5)))
rXb(n, p, s0, xtype = c("toeplitz", "exp.decay", "equi.corr"), btype = "U[-2,2]", permuted = FALSE, iteration = NA, do2S = TRUE, x.par = switch(xtype, "toeplitz" = 0.9, "equi.corr" = 0.8, "exp.decay" = c(0.4, 5)), verbose = TRUE) rX(n, p, xtype, permuted, do2S = TRUE, par = switch(xtype, "toeplitz" = 0.9, "equi.corr" = 0.8, "exp.decay" = c(0.4, 5)))
n |
integer; the sample size |
p |
integer; the number of coefficients in the linear
model. (paper had always |
s0 |
integer number of nonzero coefficients desired in the
model; hence at most |
xtype |
a |
btype |
a |
permuted |
logical specifying if the columns of the design matrix should be permuted. |
iteration |
integer or |
do2S |
logical indicating if in the case of |
x.par , par
the parameters to be used for the design matrix. Must be a numeric vector of length one or two. The default uses the parameters also used in the hdi paper. |
verbose |
should the function give a message if seeds are being set? (logical). |
Generation of the design matrix :
For all xtype
's, the matrix will be multivariate
normal, with mean zero and (co)variance matrix
determined from xtype
, x.par
and as follows:
xtype = "toeplitz"
:C <- par ^ abs(toeplitz(0:(p-1)))
xtype = "equi.corr"
, and
, i.e., on the diagonal.
xtype = "exp.decay"
:C <- solve(par[1] ^
abs(toeplitz(0:(p-1)) / par[2]))
:A list
with components
the generated design matrix
the generated coefficient vector (‘beta’).
:the generated design
Ruben Dezeure [email protected]
Dezeure, R., Bühlmann, P., Meier, L. and Meinshausen, N. (2015) High-dimensional inference: confidence intervals, p-values and R-software hdi. Statistical Science 30, 533–558.
## Generate the first realization of the linear model with design matrix ## type Toeplitz and coefficients type uniform between -2 and 2 dset <- rXb(n = 80, p = 20, s0 = 3, xtype = "toeplitz", btype = "U[-2,2]") x <- dset$x beta <- dset$beta ## generate 100 response vectors of this linear model y <- as.vector( x %*% beta ) + replicate(100, rnorm(nrow(x))) ## Use 'beta_min' fulfilling beta's (non standard 'btype'): str(ds2 <- rXb(n = 50, p = 12, s0 = 3, xtype = "exp.decay", btype = "U[0.1, 5]")) ## Generate a design matrix of type "toeplitz" set.seed(3) # making it reproducible X3 <- rX(n = 800, p = 500, xtype = "toeplitz", permuted = FALSE) ## permute the columns set.seed(3) Xp <- rX(n = 800, p = 500, xtype = "toeplitz", permuted = TRUE)
## Generate the first realization of the linear model with design matrix ## type Toeplitz and coefficients type uniform between -2 and 2 dset <- rXb(n = 80, p = 20, s0 = 3, xtype = "toeplitz", btype = "U[-2,2]") x <- dset$x beta <- dset$beta ## generate 100 response vectors of this linear model y <- as.vector( x %*% beta ) + replicate(100, rnorm(nrow(x))) ## Use 'beta_min' fulfilling beta's (non standard 'btype'): str(ds2 <- rXb(n = 50, p = 12, s0 = 3, xtype = "exp.decay", btype = "U[0.1, 5]")) ## Generate a design matrix of type "toeplitz" set.seed(3) # making it reproducible X3 <- rX(n = 800, p = 500, xtype = "toeplitz", permuted = FALSE) ## permute the columns set.seed(3) Xp <- rX(n = 800, p = 500, xtype = "toeplitz", permuted = TRUE)
Function to perform stability selection
stability(x, y, EV, threshold = 0.75, B = 100, fraction = 0.5, model.selector = lasso.firstq, args.model.selector = NULL, parallel = FALSE, ncores = getOption("mc.cores", 2L), verbose = FALSE)
stability(x, y, EV, threshold = 0.75, B = 100, fraction = 0.5, model.selector = lasso.firstq, args.model.selector = NULL, parallel = FALSE, ncores = getOption("mc.cores", 2L), verbose = FALSE)
x |
Design matrix (without intercept). |
y |
Response vector. |
EV |
Bound for expected number of false positives. |
threshold |
Threshold for selection frequency. Must be in (0.5, 1). |
B |
Number of sub-sample iterations. |
fraction |
Fraction of data used at each of the B sub-samples. |
model.selector |
Function to perform model selection. Default is
args.model.selector |
Named list of further arguments for
function |
parallel |
Should parallelization be used? (logical) |
ncores |
Number of cores used for parallelization. |
verbose |
Should information be printed out while computing (logical). |
selected |
Vector of selected predictors. |
freq |
Vector of selection frequencies. |
q |
Size of fitted models in order to control error rate at desired level. |
Lukas Meier
Meinshausen, N. and Bühlmann, P. (2010) Stability selection (with discussion). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B 72, 417–473.
Bühlmann, P., Kalisch, M. and Meier, L. (2014) High-dimensional statistics with a view towards applications in biology. Annual Review of Statistics and its Applications 1, 255–278
x <- matrix(rnorm(100 * 1000), nrow = 100, ncol = 1000) y <- x[,1] * 2 + x[,2] * 2.5 + rnorm(100) fit.stab <- stability(x, y, EV = 1) fit.stab fit.stab$freq[1:10] ## selection frequency of the first 10 predictors
x <- matrix(rnorm(100 * 1000), nrow = 100, ncol = 1000) y <- x[,1] * 2 + x[,2] * 2.5 + rnorm(100) fit.stab <- stability(x, y, EV = 1) fit.stab fit.stab$freq[1:10] ## selection frequency of the first 10 predictors